Young adults going off to college for the first time are often excited about starting the next chapter of their life. However, once the boxes are unpacked and the pictures are hung on the wall, homesickness can settle in and have you missing many of your favorite things from home, especially home-cooked meals.
College offers students many first time opportunities—the first time moving away from home, the first time facing new and unknown situations and often and for many, the first time living with a roommate. Moving in with a roommate can present many unique challenges, including combining personal décor styles to create a comfortable home for all.
As the school year draws closer, international students are taking the necessary steps to relocate to a foreign college or university. Of these steps, making proper housing arrangements and finding necessities like student furniture rental are of high priority.
For first-year students, moving out of the nest and into a college living environment can be overwhelming thanks to the stress of living on a budget, making new friends, and furnishing your first place. CORT offers several customized student furniture rental packages geared specifically toward students with special, discounted pricing with a valid student ID card, so you can have all the comforts of home while away at school.
The transition into a dorm or college apartment can be tough! Student housing units are small and students may feel cramped or uncomfortable in their new space.
Tips below help transform these small spaces from a claustrophobic cubicle into a student sanctuary.
Author Miriam Beard once said, “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” Studying abroad in college will not only open your eyes to a whole new world of people, places, and studies, but it will help you see the world in a whole new way.
For international exchange students, studying in the US can be an unforgettable experience. However, managing the details of finding a roommate, moving in and navigating all of the preparation can be extremely unsettling, especially when you are also dealing with a new culture and in many cases, a new language.
In the coming months, students across the country will be buying supplies and books, making arrangements for their apartment and student furniture rental, and heading back to school for the fall semester. In recent blogs, we have addressed a series of issues related to this seasonal student migration.
As summer comes to a close, parents and students alike are beginning to look ahead at the coming school year. While no one wants the relaxed pace and endless fun of summer to end, a little preparation, like looking into student furniture rental, can go a long way toward a successful transition. Here are a few tips for getting back into school mode that we hope will make the process a little easier.