5 Ways Your Home Affects Your Mental Health

Your home should feel like a personal sanctuary. Your space should make you feel safe, relaxed, and at peace. But when your home is cluttered, disorganized, or downright dreary, it can have a major effect on your mental health. 

Research shows that folks who live in a cluttered, dirty home tend to feel more stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed compared to those who live in a clean and organized space. Moreover, a lack of natural light and fresh air can also contribute to feelings of sadness and lethargy. 

From your color scheme and lighting to the layout and general ambiance, your home can have a profound impact on your emotional state. Find out how your home affects your mental health and how you can set up your space to put yourself in a positive state of mind.

How Your Home Impacts Your Mental Health

There are several ways your living space and mental health are connected. Understanding how those factors impact your mental health can help you make intentional changes to create a space that supports and enhances your state of mind.

1. Clutter and disorganization can increase feelings of stress and anxiety. 

Have you ever wondered, can a messy house cause depression? You may be surprised to find that a messy living space can lead to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. When there are too many items in a room or your belongings are haphazardly arranged, it can be difficult to focus or relax. Seeing unfinished tasks or clutter can be a constant reminder of things that still need to be done, preventing your brain from fully unwinding and recharging in your own home. What’s more: clutter and disorganization can make it difficult to find things, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. 

It’s amazing how a clean room affects you. Here’s how to remedy clutter and disorganization in your home:

  • Declutter and organize your things room-by-room, so the task feels less overwhelming.
  • Cut down on unimportant belongings to reduce clutter.
  • Use furniture with built-in storage to organize belongings. 

By creating a clean and organized space, you can reduce stress and create a more calming environment in your home.

2. Lighting can significantly impact your mood. 

Lighting in your home can have a substantial impact on your mood and overall well-being. Bright, natural light has been shown to improve mood and energy levels, while dimmer lighting can create a more relaxed and cozy atmosphere. Exposure to natural light during the day is especially important for regulating circadian rhythms and promoting healthy sleep patterns. 

On the other hand, exposure to too much artificial light — particularly blue light emitted by screens — can disrupt sleep and increase feelings of anxiety and depression. Additionally, harsh, bright artificial lighting can cause eye strain and headaches. 

How to improve lighting in your home to optimize your mental well-being: 

  • Incorporate floor and table lamps (instead of depending on artificial overhead lighting) to create a cozy vibe.
  • If you work from home, set up a separate home office area, allowing you to shut down your computer screen for the evening.
  •  Open window blinds during the day to let natural light flow in.

By choosing the right lighting and being mindful of the amount and type of light in your home, you can create a comfortable and calming environment that supports your mental and emotional health.

3. Color can affect your emotions. 

Different colors in your home can emit different feelings. Whether you’re painting your walls, choosing furniture, or adding decor to your shelves and walls, consider the following color guide to achieve the energy you want in your home: 

  • Blue: Blue is a calming color that exudes relaxation and reduces stress. It’s a great choice for bedrooms and bathrooms.
  • Yellow: Yellow is a cheerful color that can make you feel happy and optimistic. It works well in kitchens and dining rooms.
  • Green: Green is a restful color that can promote relaxation and a sense of calm. It’s a good choice for bedrooms and living rooms.
  • Red: Red is a bold and stimulating color that can increase energy and excitement. It’s a good choice for areas where you want to create a sense of passion, such as a dining room.
  • Purple: Purple is a dramatic color that can create a sense of luxury and sophistication. It’s a good choice for bedrooms and home offices.
  • Orange: Orange is a warm and energetic color that exudes feelings of excitement and enthusiasm. It’s a good choice for exercise rooms and playrooms.
  • White: Different shades of white emit different emotions. Cooler whites can make a room feel modern and even aloof. Warmer whites can feel calming and chic.

Remember: everyone reacts differently to color, It’s important to choose colors that make you feel comfortable and happy. Also, consider using a mix of colors to create balance and harmony in your home.

4. Personalization can make you feel more grounded and secure.

A core element of mental well-being is feeling connected to others. Displaying photos and mementos, and incorporating personal touches like artwork or decor that speaks to our personality and interests can create a sense of comfort and belonging in your home. These items can serve as reminders of happy times, loved ones, or personal accomplishments, which can boost self-esteem and reduce stress. 

Personalizing your space can give you a sense of control and ownership over your environment, which reduces feelings of helplessness and bolsters confidence. Overall, personalizing your space with mementos can help create a space that feels like home and fosters a positive and nurturing atmosphere.

Ways you can incorporate personal touches into your space: 

  • Prominently display photos of loved ones for daily reminders of your village.
  • Choose artwork with colors and imagery that resonates with you.
  • Add personal items — favorite books, keepsakes from traveling, etc. — to your shelves.

5. Layout can create harmony (or unhappiness). 

A well-designed space that’s easy to navigate and meets our needs can reduce stress and help you feel balanced. Conversely, a poorly designed space that lacks functionality can contribute to feelings of frustration and helplessness.

When arranging furniture in your living space, keep the following best practices in mind: 

  • Place your furniture in a way that provides a clear flow of movement.
  • Avoid placing furniture in a position that blocks doorways.
  • If possible, move furniture away from the walls to create a sense of openness. 
  • If you have a home office, position your desk to face the door. 

Create a Home That Promotes Positivity

The good news is that there are several ways to create a home that promotes positivity and good mental health. Here are some tips to create a home that aligns with your well-being:

  1. Keep your home clean and tidy: A clean and tidy home can have a significant impact on our mental health, making us feel more calm and relaxed. Make it a habit to keep your home clean and tidy by decluttering regularly, putting things away, and cleaning up messes as soon as they happen.
  2. Let in the light. Natural light can do wonders for our mood, so make sure to let in as much as possible. Keep your windows uncovered during the day and consider adding more lamps or light fixtures to brighten up dark spaces.
  3. Incorporate plants. Indoor plants — faux or real — are known to help you feel like you’re one with nature. Bring the outdoors in by adding plants around your home.
  4. Use color to your advantage. Certain colors can have a profound impact on our emotional state, so consider using color to your advantage when designing your living space. Warm and bright colors can create a feeling of happiness, while cool and calming colors create a more peaceful ambiance.
  5. Create a dedicated relaxing space. Set aside a specific area in your home that’s dedicated to relaxation and self-care. It could be a cozy reading nook, a meditation space, or a comfortable chair by a window.

Clear Your Mind By Furnishing with CORT 

While external stressors — like moving or starting a new job – can certainly affect your mental health, it’s important to realize how your environment affects your mental health. The way you live and how your home is set up directly impacts your mental health, and it’s essential to create a home that promotes positivity and good mental health. 

Give your mental energy a rest and let CORT take one stressful thing off of your plate: furnishing your place. Finding the right furniture — and moving it — can be taxing. CORT Furniture Rental gives you the mental and physical freedom to rent furniture you need when you need it. That way, you don’t have to worry about purchasing expensive furniture that may not fit in a future apartment space. Nor do you need to worry about moving old furniture into a new place. With CORT, you can put together a package of comfortable furniture for your home. Our team will deliver and set it up for you, so you don’t have to lift a finger. Start browsing CORT furniture today!

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