HomeTips (Page 2)


No matter where in the world you live, wildfires can be a threat to your home. When you live in an apartment, things may

Wood has an enduring charm in home decor and interior design. Its appeal stems from its endless versatility, adaptability to countless styles, and the

Ah, home sweet home! You've moved into your new rental and can't wait to start adding personal touches – but when it comes time

Moving or cleaning out your home can be quite the undertaking. And it's tempting to toss everything you don't need for quick and easy

It sounds like an old country western song: every day feels the same, and you want to change your name and move to a new city. But it’s not a song. It’s your day-to-day life!


Whether your job feels like a dead-end, you’ve lost your love for the city you’re living in, or a relationship recently ended, one thing is clear: You’re ready for a new chapter in your life. If you think, “I feel stuck in life,” you’re not alone. A 2021 study by Oracle surveyed more than 14,000 people, revealing that 76% reported feeling stuck in their personal lives, while 27% reported feeling trapped in the same routine. Remember that this is a temporary period in your life, though!


So what can you do about it? These tips will help you learn how to start over in life.