What You Really Need to Pack When Moving Out for the First Time

Moving out for the first time can bring a whirlwind of emotions. Of course, there is the excitement and exhilaration of finally living on your own, but your first move can also be a bit stressful at times. It is a big change after all, and with big change comes new responsibilities you may not have experience with yet.

Don’t worry— a little planning and preparation will help make moving out for the first time a smooth transition. Start by communicating with your new landlord or current tenant to get an understanding of what is included in your new space. To cover your bases, be sure to ask these questions:

  • Does the space come furnished? If so, does that include couches, tables, table chairs, and bedding? What about kitchen utensils like silverware, plates, and dishes?
  • What kitchen appliances are available (refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, stove, etc.)?

Depending on those answers, you can then make a list of all the things you need to pack, what you can sell, and what can go to storage. Your first instinct may be to pack everything, but doing so may only bring on more unnecessary stress. Keep in mind, the more you pack, the more you have to move from point A to point B.

Before you start packing or making your checklist, be sure to read below as we bust the most common packing myths for first-time movers.

Myth: You need to pack all of your furniture

You may have noticed that moving out on your own for the first time warrants some unsolicited advice from friends, family, and loved ones. One popular piece of advice that is often given is that you should pack all of your furniture since it’s so expensive to replace. Or, if you are moving out of your parent’s house and don’t have furniture of your own to pack, the advice is often, “you should go thrifting for furniture and buy on the cheap.”

Don’t forget about the logistics involved with actually transporting large pieces of furniture. Moving furniture to your first place could be the difference between fitting everything you own into a couple of cars and having to dish out the extra cost to rent a moving truck. Instead, take the headache out of moving furniture and consider renting furniture from CORT. With our Move-In Ready package, we take care of every room and deliver them to your door so you don’t have to worry about the headaches from trying to plan out logistics.

Myth: Stay “stocked up” by packing everything

Moving out is the perfect time to go through all of your toiletries (over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, lotions, perfumes, back up toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.) and clear out old, expired, and unused items. Moving out on your own for the first time may feel like you’re starting from scratch, but packing old toiletries you don’t use isn’t just unnecessary, but potentially dangerous.

Don’t pack things just for the sake of feeling better than you have on hand. Instead, pack what you use regularly and include room in your budget to buy new home essentials as you need them. Take comfort in knowing that if you happen to run out of anything and find yourself in a bind, you can easily place an order on your phone to get home essentials delivered within minutes to your new place. Having this convenient delivery method at your fingertips will be a saving grace while you adjust to your new space, especially if you are moving to a town you are unfamiliar with as it takes time to adjust to your shopping options.

Myth: Don’t pack wall-damaging items if you’re moving into a rental

While it’s true that many rentals have strict policies surrounding wall damage, such as painting or hanging decor that requires drilling, it does not mean you shouldn’t pack your favorite posters, photo frames, or curtains. There are ways around this so that you can decorate your first place in a way that makes you happy and comfortable without causing damage.

For example, you can use temporary adhesive hooks that are large enough and strong enough to hold up your curtains without having to worry about drilling holes. Additionally, you can also search online or at your local home improvement store for temporary “stick and remove” wallpaper. This allows you to bring your personality throughout your rental without risking the loss of your deposit whenever you decide to terminate your lease.

Moving into your first place is one of the most exciting times of your life. Don’t let the stress often associated with moving put a damper on this memorable moment! Take the advice from outsiders with gratitude, but remember to keep all of your options in mind.

Always start by doing your research and planning ahead. Communicate with your landlord so you know for sure what is available to you in your unit. From there, you can determine what you will need to pack, what you can sell or leave behind, and what you will need to rent or purchase.

Enjoy your new space!