5 Tips for Facility Managers to Attract Tenants

In today’s economy, many businesses are looking to make the most of their office space and expand cautiously. Facility managers are challenged with providing office spaces conducive to productivity, sustainability and cost containment. CORT, the nation’s leading provider of furniture outsourcing, offers facility managers tips on how to attract and retain tenants.

1. Be Flexible

Companies look to facility managers to meet their unique need, whether it be a collaborative office environment with multiple workstations or luxuriously furnished private offices for high-ranking executives. The ability to offer space planning services allows facility mangers to make the most out of a certain space and ensure it meets the tenant’s needs.

2. Network

Networking will help facility managers accomplish tasks more efficiently. Meet with leaders of other departments to build relationships and learn their management styles. Keep in contact with other departments and facility managers for future reference.

3. Communicate

Effective communication is key in successfully managing your facility. Schedule an open dialogue with your tenants and staff regularly to get to know their needs. Make yourself available to discuss facility issues and be prompt to respond to emails and phone calls.

4. Go Green

Develop sustainable practices in your building to help cut costs. Evaluate rental options, rather than purchasing, to reduce demand for manufacturing new products, thereby reducing consumption of raw materials and manufacturing energy.

5. Be Consistent

Maintain the same level of service throughout the year, even when facing budget cuts. Consistency will earn your colleagues’ trust and increase your credibility.


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