Achieving balance in home staging design is essential. It is true that certain colors evoke certain emotions, but only when specific hues of a particular color are used. For instance,
Last week on the furniture blog, we shared home staging furniture tips from our Twitter followers. Well friends, today we are sharing more tips with you today from our Facebook fans!
We’re back this week with more great do-it-yourself home staging tips on the furniture blog. Even if hiring a professional stager is not an option in your budget, there are plenty of techniques you can and should take care of on your own.
It’s no secret that CORT loves the home staging industry. Top stagers nationwide depend on rental furniture from CORT to help make clients’ homes as modern and appealing as possible. So we’re of the opinion that when you want to sell your home quickly and for the best price, you should seek the expertise of a professional home stager to whip your property into shape.
Last week, the goal of our furniture blog post was to inspire you to consider making small changes in home decorating and furniture arrangement. Trying something different can do wonders for the look and feel of your space, whether you’ve moved into a new home or you’re just hoping to refresh a long lived-in abode. It starts with learning as much as you can about how to position furniture in a visually and mentally pleasing way.
Perhaps you've just moved into a new home or apartment, and don't know where to start when it comes to arranging furniture. The CORT furniture blog is here to help,
As many of our furniture blog readers know, we at CORT are big fans of the home staging industry. A couple weeks ago we mentioned CORT would claim the top VIP sponsor slot at the Real Estate Staging Association international conference in Las Vegas this year.
In many of our furniture rental blog posts, we refer to the broad selection of styles available in CORT's huge inventory of rental and clearance furniture. We believe in good
Here at CORT, we appreciate all the ways furniture improves our lives. This blog focuses on the various services and modern products we offer to make your life easier during transitions.
Our home staging furniture service is one of the many useful ways CORT can assist with your move to a new home. The process of selling your current or former