5 Ways to Be Part of Campus Life While Living Off Campus

There are upsides and downsides to virtually every living arrangement, and living off campus is no exception. On the plus side, you’re probably going to save money on housing, have more time to yourself, enjoy greater privacy, and study with fewer interruptions.

The downside to living off campus is that you may find it harder to make friends. Living in a dorm or other student housing on campus is a great way to meet a lot of different people and find new friends who share common interests.

Best of Both Worlds

That doesn’t mean that if you live off campus you won’t make friends. It does mean, however, that you will want to be more proactive in how you spend your time in order to feel part of campus life. The benefits of on-campus activities go far beyond the friendships you make. You’re also learning new social skills, such as networking, and you can explore different career options and opportunities through clubs and extracurricular activities.

Embrace Activities on Campus

The trick is to learn how to stay involved on campus even when you’re living off campus, and here are five tips to help you do that.

1. Join the club

One of the easiest ways to find people with common interests is to join an extracurricular club. Whether it’s a hiking club, cooking club, or language club, this gives give you an opportunity to connect with others on a regular basis doing something you truly enjoy.

2. Hang out

One of the best ways to meet new friends in college is simply by hanging out. Spend time in the cafeteria, library, student union, courtyard or other areas where you are likely to meet people and learn more about what events or activities you might want to be involved in.

3. Spend time in a dorm

Just because you don’t live in a dorm doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some of its perks. After you’ve made friends with people who live on campus, accept invitations to parties or activities in the dorm. This way, you can enjoy many of the joys of dorm living — like meeting new people — without the downsides, like having to share a bathroom with strangers or put up with a messy roommate.

4. Join a study group

Study groups do more than keep your GPA up; they also give you a chance to meet others who may be facing similar study challenges. It gives you a good reason to spend time on or near campus with others, and you might find study buddies with similar interests.

5. Get a job on campus

The more time you spend on campus, the more you’ll feel like you’re a part of things. Having a job where other students tend to spend a lot of time, such as the rec center or a campus restaurant, will increase your odds of meeting new people.

With so many different ways to be involved on campus, you can have the best of both worlds, even if you don’t live on campus. Whether you choose an apartment on campus or off, remember that CORT Furniture Rental can help make it feel like home.