For 54 years, National Small Business Week has helped highlight the impact and accomplishments of small business owners and entrepreneurs across the United States. More than half of Americans own or work for a small business – spurring innovation, creating new jobs, and driving growth in the small business sector.
Last year, CORT celebrated Small Business Week by bringing a community of professionals together on Twitter to explore their goals for business growth. To build on the discussion, we’re hosting another Small Business Week Twitter Chat this May that will highlight the advantages, challenges, and evolution of coworking spaces.
Coworking offers a place for professionals and small businesses to gather and work independently in a shared office environment. The first official coworking space was founded in 2005 to bring together self-employed developers, writers, and freelance creators who missed the community and structure of an office. Since then, the concept has surged in popularity. At the end of 2016, more than 10,000 coworking spaces were operating across the country.
So does coworking fuel creativity or offer too many distractions? Is it perfect for start-ups? Or does it depend on the industry? How can you make your shared workspace feel more personal? We can’t wait to hear from those who have lived it, loved it, or still dream of it. Co-hosts include:

Capital Factory, Austin’s center of gravity for entrepreneurs where the best startups in Austin get introduced to potential investors, employees and customers.
Join us on Twitter (@CORTFurniture) and share your coworking experiences. We’ll be chatting on Thursday, May 4 at 1:00 p.m. CT using #WorkspacesChat.
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