HomeTips (Page 3)


It sounds like an old country western song: every day feels the same, and you want to change your name and move to a new city. But it’s not a song. It’s your day-to-day life!


Whether your job feels like a dead-end, you’ve lost your love for the city you’re living in, or a relationship recently ended, one thing is clear: You’re ready for a new chapter in your life. If you think, “I feel stuck in life,” you’re not alone. A 2021 study by Oracle surveyed more than 14,000 people, revealing that 76% reported feeling stuck in their personal lives, while 27% reported feeling trapped in the same routine. Remember that this is a temporary period in your life, though!


So what can you do about it? These tips will help you learn how to start over in life.

  You're not anti-social, but you love spending time at home. You crave warm and inviting vibes and love a quiet, intimate night with friends–or

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After a long day, it can be challenging to unwind and rest—especially if your bedroom feels chaotic or unfinished. Good sleep starts long before