The Power of Flexibility in Health Care Environments

When the winds of change blow, some people build walls. Others, however, build windmills. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a gale force of change, affecting every industry. The health care sector, in particular, finds itself in the eye of this storm. If you’re a health care professional, the impact of these changes is likely to have been felt firsthand. Amid this altered landscape, flexibility has emerged as the linchpin for navigating these uncertain waters.

In this article, we delve into the crucial need for adaptability within health care facilities worldwide. Stretched to their limits during the pandemic, these facilities are now faced with a series of challenges. They need to prepare for future crises, navigate health care mergers, ease financial pressures, and create efficient workspaces. We’ll also examine how a strategic partnership with CORT can provide high-quality, flexible furniture solutions to meet these challenges. Join us on this journey to discover how your health care facility can harness the winds of change to not just survive, but thrive in this new era.

How Health Care Facilities Can Prepare for Future Crises

Future crises are inevitable. Therefore, health care facilities need to prepare. This preparation involves responding to fluctuating patient volumes, evolving treatment methodologies, and infection control. At the same time, facilities must deal with real estate mergers, consolidation, and financial pressures. Amid these dynamic scenarios, CORT emerges as a pivotal partner. By offering flexible, high-quality furniture rental solutions, CORT empowers health care environments to tackle these challenges head-on.

Health Care Mergers: Navigating the Trend Towards Consolidation

The trend towards larger, centralized health care facilities is becoming more evident. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reporting that these facilities are now as large as 8,000 square feet or more, a significant increase from the typical 2,000 square feet or less. Supporting this trend, the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) reported 428 health system mergers between 2018 and 2023.

This shift towards larger facilities offering multiple services is about more than just patient convenience. It also makes financial sense for businesses. As health care companies adapt to these new and unique spaces, the need for flexibility becomes increasingly important.

In response to these changes, the CORT Furniture-as-a-Service™ (FaaS) model provides a solution. It offers the flexibility needed during mergers, consolidations, and real estate changes. This allows health care organizations to create aesthetically pleasing environments without high upfront costs. As a testament to this, a CORT health care client consolidated three offices into one large space. This resulted in a 50% reduction in their real estate footprint.

Amon “Tony” Finocchiaro,, a Regional Sales Manager for CORT, highlights the value of this flexibility. He explains, “Our sweet spot tends to be common areas like waiting rooms, lobbies, and administrative offices. We provide high-quality furniture that makes these spaces functional and welcoming.” This adaptability is crucial as health care facilities continue to evolve in response to industry trends and patient needs.

Easing Financial Pressures with Furniture Rental Solutions

The health care industry faces significant financial pressures due to its capital-intensive nature. It also has to maintain state-of-the-art facilities that meet health and safety standards. This challenge is compounded for organizations serving populations where revenue from elective procedures is limited.

According to the American Hospital Association, workforce shortages, supply chain disruptions, and inflation are expected to further exacerbate financial pressures on health care facilities in 2024. In such a scenario, investing in permanent furniture and fixtures can strain budgets and restrict financial flexibility.

CORT’s Furniture-as-a-Service (FaaS) model offers a solution to these challenges by providing high-quality furniture rental services. This approach frees up capital for other critical investments, allowing health care facilities to maintain modern, attractive environments without compromising on quality or compliance.

Many of our current health care customers appreciate CORT FaaS as it enables them to adapt their physical spaces without compromising on quality or compliance, while also freeing up capital for other critical investments. Finocchiaro emphasized the importance of this flexibility, stating, “The ability to adjust without having that fixed asset sitting there all the time, which is a huge capital investment, is essential.” He added that the three biggest challenges – the revenue cost structure of health care, talent acquisition and retention, and real estate – present opportunities for CORT to provide flexible solutions that help health care facilities manage their resources more effectively.

Creating Comfortable Workspaces: Balancing Efficiency and Comfort

Health care facilities don’t always have a reputation for comfort. Understandably, these spaces must adhere to strict health and safety standards, requiring durable furniture and fixtures that also meet rigorous cleanliness and infection control criteria. Moreover, space is often at a premium, with environments more geared towards supporting health and wellness, easy sanitation, and compliance with safety standards.

Despite these standards, keeping staff and patients safe and healthy remains of the utmost importance. However, this doesn’t mean we have to compromise on comfort for employees and patients.

With CORT’s design services and curated furniture selections, health care facilities can create spaces that strike a balance between efficiency, comfort, and compliance. From ergonomic seating for long shifts to easily cleaned surfaces and patient-friendly designs, CORT ensures that every piece of furniture contributes to a better health care experience.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: The Comfort Factor

The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA) predicts significant workforce shortages in health care over the next 15 years. In light of this, creating an environment that attracts and retains top talent has never been more important.

CORT takes this challenge head-on by providing flexible solutions that ensure a comfortable and efficient working environment. As Finocchiaro explains, CORT’s focus is on helping health care facilities create spaces that are conducive to both work and learning.

Using CORT’s design services and curated furniture selections, health care facilities can create work and care areas that balance ergonomics, efficiency, and compliance. Not only do these comfortable and efficient workspaces enhance the working environment, but they also play a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent.

Keeping Pace with Technological Advancements

Technology is constantly evolving, and health care facilities must keep pace to provide patients with the best possible care and remain competitive in a complex industry.

According to Finocchiaro, hospitals are constantly integrating new technology to enhance mobility, security, and integration of information. He notes that “technology is a constant upgrade, and with it comes training.” This constant evolution necessitates adaptable spaces that can be temporarily allocated for training purposes.

To cater to this need, CORT offers adaptable furniture solutions that can be reconfigured to create efficient training environments. Finocchiaro emphasizes the importance of real flexibility, explaining that it’s about “having a desk today and a conference table tomorrow, or sofas and chairs that can be rearranged. It’s about changing the furniture, not just its use.”

With quick delivery and turnaround times, as well as after-hours and weekend installation services, CORT provides health care facilities with the agility to respond to immediate needs. This responsiveness ensures that facilities can adapt their spaces on short notice, maintaining operational efficiency and patient care standards even in times of transition.

Sustainability in Health Care: A Move Towards Green Practices

In line with all industries, health care facilities are under pressure to reduce their environmental footprint and adopt sustainable practices. Sustainable furniture solutions and eco-friendly vendor partnerships are essential to achieving these goals.

“Sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority,” says Finocchiaro, speaking of CORT’s current health care partners. “Renting furniture has a sustainable aspect to it, and we’re seeing this being considered as an important factor in decision-making.”

By opting for furniture rental with CORT, waste reduction is achieved, promoting a circular economy and supporting the industry’s commitment to sustainability.

Our high-quality furniture is built to withstand the test of time. We invest in durable products manufactured to high-quality standards and maintain these pieces throughout the rental process. Our products are resilient enough to be reused several times within their rental lifecycle, reducing waste. Instead of ending up in a landfill, every piece finds a new home at the end of its rental life.

CORT’s Circular Approach to Business

At CORT, we’re committed to providing high-quality services and products in a manner that respects our planet and contributes to a sustainable future. Our business model, encompassing both our furniture rental and outlet businesses, is deeply rooted in the principles of the circular economy. This approach directly addresses the environmental issues associated with traditional furniture procurement and offers tangible benefits to our customers, such as cost savings, flexibility, and a reduced environmental footprint.

Our circular approach includes the following steps:

  • Rent: We rent out new furniture products, tailoring to the diverse needs of our customers. The rental period averages 3-4 years, with each item being rented out 2-6 times. Throughout the rental term, we provide comprehensive service, accommodating changes in furniture setup based on the client’s requirements.
  • Return: After use, the furniture items are returned to CORT, undergoing the CORT Certified™ inspection and cleaning process.
  • Repeat: Once they pass the inspection, the items are either rented out again or stored until needed for another rental. We also optimize our logistics to improve efficiency and reduce our environmental impact.
  • Refurbish: When the furniture is no longer in showroom condition for renting, it undergoes a thorough inspection, cleaning, and touch-up process to prepare it for the next stage of its lifecycle.
  • Repurpose: The refurbished furniture is then sold at discounted prices at CORT Furniture Outlet locations, beginning a new life cycle and keeping over 95% of our products out of the landfill each year.

This circular approach extends the furniture’s life beyond its initial use and significantly reduces the environmental impact associated with waste and resource consumption. As we look to the future, we are committed to further innovating and adapting our practices to enhance our sustainability efforts and contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.

Building Trust in Health Care with CORT

In the high-stakes health care industry, it’s essential to build trust and reliability with vendors and service providers. Health care facilities need partners capable of understanding their unique challenges and delivering consistent, high-quality solutions.

CORT, with its commitment to trust, honesty, and curated services, has proven to be a reliable partner for health care facilities. By consistently delivering high-quality, compliant furniture solutions and offering comprehensive design and installation services, CORT fosters long-term relationships with health care providers. This ensures they have the support they need to adapt and thrive.

Looking to the Future of Health Care Facilities with CORT

As health care environments continue to evolve, flexibility, adaptability, and a reliable partnership become increasingly vital. With CORT’s adaptable, high-quality furniture solutions, you can harness the winds of change to steer your health care facility towards success.

When you partner with CORT, you can expect:

  • Rapid response for swift expansion as needed
  • Increased financial flexibility by eliminating the need for costly furniture and fixtures
  • Comfortable and efficient workspaces
  • High-quality furniture that meets important health and safety standards
  • Access to new fixtures anytime the need arises
  • Products that support your sustainability goals
  • A reliable partner who understands your unique health care-centric needs

Don’t just adapt to change, embrace it. Transform your health care facility with CORT’s adaptable, high-quality furniture rental solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can support your space’s unique needs and help you deliver exceptional care. Harness the winds of change with CORT and thrive in this new era.

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