Pack It Up: How to Prepare for Moving to a New City

Moving is an exciting adventure, but the process can feel overwhelming and stressful. You’ve got your moving date circled in red on your calendar, and now it’s time to think about the details. If you’re wondering how to prepare for moving to a new city, then this moving packing checklist can help you stay organized and in control before the big day.

Eight Weeks Out

With approximately two months to go before your move, start by deciding whether you need to use a moving company or if you’ll rent a moving truck and drive it yourself. If you’re putting the bulk of your items in storage or are leaving most of your furniture behind, then renting a truck makes the most sense.

Bonus Tip: In a time crunch? Although most moving companies suggest booking six to eight weeks in advance, some companies can make arrangements for you in as little as two weeks during slower seasons.

Six Weeks Out

Moving is the perfect opportunity to sell, donate, gift, or store whatever you won’t be bringing with you. Obtain measurements of your new home to help you make decisions about what you are and are not bringing with you.

If your move is temporary, then the ideal solution might be to sell or store most of your furniture and then rent new furnishings for your next residence. If you decide to go that route, those measurements will still come in handy.

This is also a great time to begin collecting or ordering packing materials.

Bonus Tip: If you’re feeling particularly daunted by this process, then it helps to take it room by room.

Four Weeks Out

With one month to go, you can start packing up your place. Pack your least essential items first, and remember to label every box — preferably on every side. This makes things go much smoother when you’re moving in.

It isn’t unheard of for a moving company to take an extra day or two to arrive in a new location with the bulk of your belongings. Pack a few changes of clothes, essential medications, personal records, and treasured mementos in your own vehicle.

Bonus Tip: For an extra-successful transition, place a piece of colored tape on each box, with the color corresponding to a specific room in your new home.

Two Weeks Out

At this point, you should submit a change of address to the post office, change the address on file with your bank and credit card companies, and arrange for your utilities to be disconnected as moving day approaches. This is also when you’ll want to call about setting up utilities at your new home.

Bonus Tip: Create a to-do list for these small tasks, and keep it in a binder or file folder where you can also keep important papers and receipts related to the move.

If you decide to rent furniture for your new home or you just need a bed and a table to tide you over until you buy new things, then CORT Furniture Rental can provide you with the basics and beyond.