Office furniture rental may have been your company’s first step towards supporting a more sustainable office environment. Making the office a greener, more environmentally friendly place not only benefits the planet, it also can save your business money.Here are a few tips that you can use today to make your office space more eco-friendly:
1. Reduce paper
Due to the power of the internet, going paperless is easier than ever! Share internal documents with Google Documents or put it all under a cloud like Dropbox. You can even share a digital “notebook” with co-workers with Evernote. The possibilities are endless!
2. Pair office furniture rental with a drinking water service
Having a water cooler for the office and reusable cups cuts back on bottled water use. Encourage employees to bring a water cup to work and instate a “no bottled water” policy in the office.
3. Design your office space to encourage recycling
Our office furniture rental packages can be tailored to your businesses needs. You can build a package that helps define the flow of your office environment. Utilize the opportunity to plan for recycling areas for boxes, paper, and miscellaneous materials.
4. Turn off electrical equipment
Turn off lights, monitors, and computers. We all have that one computer that “can never be turned off!” in our office, but try to think about all of other devices that are used daily. Do you turn off your printer? The coffee urn? Design your office furniture rental package with daily care and maintenance of electric equipment in mind.
5. If possible, telecommute
Working from home saves gasoline burned and fumes being released in the atmosphere. It also gives your employees more flexibility. E-mail, video conferencing, and instant message are all easy ways to communicate in the interim.
We would love to hear how your office made your work environment more eco-friendly on our Twitter and Facebook pages. CORT Furniture Rental offers office furniture rental solutions for every type of office. From startups, to non-profits, and Fortune 500 companies, we can provide you with an office furniture rental system that is perfect for your workspace!