You’re In! What to Do After You’re Accepted into Med School

You’ve put in the hard work, and now it’s time to shine. You’ve finally received your acceptance letter, and now you’re thinking, “I’ve been accepted into medical school, so now what?” Here’s some stuff to consider and prep after receiving a letter of admission from your med school of choice.

Estimate a Budget

While it’s impossible to know exactly what expenses you’re going to incur once you start medical school, it’s essential that you estimate a budget that includes everything from housing, food, cable, insurance, and other things like recreation and gym memberships. By creating that budget, you’re in a better position to figure out how much money you can feasibly add to your running debt each semester in terms of loans.

Ah yes, those student loans.

They’re not pleasant, but they’re a reality for at least 50% of med school students in the US, says The good news is that you can always roll some of the money over into the next semester if you take too much out, and if you take out too little, your school’s financial aid office can often help you find other loans or more aid. Your school’s financial aid office will be your greatest resource, so reach out to them with questions — and let them know your budget — so that you can have a financial game plan in place before classes start.

Find a Place to Live

Finding somewhere to live — either on-campus or off-campus — is a big decision. There are benefits like the convenience of being on campus, but off-campus housing is often more affordable and provides larger living spaces and more freedom.

Get suggestions from your peers to find out about their experiences with nearby properties, and consider everything from finding a roommate to amenities, commute times, and pet fees! It will truly depend on your personal situation, finances, and preferences, but securing a place to live is truly one of the most important things to do before moving for med school.

Enjoy Your Last Summer

It’s no secret that medical school is a huge, life-changing, time-consuming endeavor, so the first thing you should do after you’re accepted is…relax. Take a deep breath. And enjoy the last summer before hitting the pavement in a blaze of glory.

You will be able to focus, study, and learn everything you need to know when you need to know it. Will it be hard? Of course. Will it be draining at times? For sure. But it will also be incredibly rewarding — in due time.

Before all that happens, take some time to enjoy the weeks leading up to school. Before you get loaded down with lectures and coursepacks, do more of what truly brings you happiness, whether that’s traveling, cooking, hanging out with friends or family, or simply curling up with a novel instead of a textbook.

Now is the time to do it, so seize the summer!

Get Into a New Routine

Yes, you should relax and enjoy your time off before school ramps up, but it’s also helpful to start planning out a new routine — perhaps towards the tail end of summer. You will most likely have early morning classes and required events, so if you’re not a morning person, start conditioning your body to an early alarm as soon as you can.

In addition to planning your wake up time, plan ways to fit your non-school hobbies and priorities into your tentative schedule. From going to the gym to cooking, incorporating these things into your routine early on will ensure they come easy to you when your busy season rolls around.

That being said, you can’t plan everything, and chances are you’ll find a great routine once you actually start med school and figure out when you’re most productive and can get the most done. Don’t stress if it takes a little bit of time as everyone has a different method of balancing studying, health and wellness, and everything in between. You’ll figure it out as you go!

Moving on to Med School with CORT

Getting accepted into medical school is a huge accomplishment, and you have some very busy — but very rewarding — years ahead! When it’s time to move to continue your education, CORT will be by your side every step of the way — from furnishing your off-campus apartment to helping you relocate for your residency!

One of the biggest benefits medical students receive when renting furniture with CORT? You don’t have to lift a finger on moving day. We deliver an entire home’s worth of furniture and set it up right in your apartment or house. Your place is move-in ready the day we deliver furniture — from your living room furniture to the dishes in the cabinets to the sheets on your bed. After the semester, the year, or your entire residency, you have the option to end your furniture subscription or purchase the furniture. Our flexible lease terms allow you to rent furniture for as long or as short as you need it! When you end your furniture subscription, CORT will pack up your furniture and move it out for you.

Let’s face it: you have enough on your plate. Let CORT help you feel at home while you’re away at medical school. Are you ready for a stress-free move? Visit us online or in your nearest showroom to learn more about furniture rental options that work with any apartment!

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